Network Merchants Inc Payment Gateway

A.) Network Merchants Inc Credentials

In order to accept payments through Network Merchants Inc. on your website, you must first register for a Network Merchants Inc. account here and get your account activated.

To Process payment with your Intuit Merchant account, you need the following things.

  1. Security Key
  2. Tokenization Public key
  3. Checkout Public key
  4. Webhooks Sign key

B.) Getting Credentials from an NMI Account

You need to log into your NMI account. Follow the steps below.

  • To get a Security Key, you need to navigate to “Options” => “Settings.”
  • On this page, click on “Security Keys.”
  • On the security keys page, you can see the button named “Add a New Private Key.” Clicking this will show a dialog box.
  • In this dialog box, name the key as you wish. Select the username you want to associate it with. Then, under key permission, select “API” and click create.
  • This will create a key under “Private Security Keys.”
Get a Security Key
  • Next, on the same page, you can generate the Tokenization Public key and Checkout Public key.
  • For these, you need to click the Add a New Public Key button under the Public Security Keys.
  • Once you click, you will see a dialog box again. Similar to above, you can use the keys for anything, but to generate a Tokenization Public key, you need to select key permission as Tokenization, whereas to generate Checkout Public Key, you need to select key permission as Checkout.
Get Checkout and Tokenization Key
  • Next you would need to setup WebHook Url to generate Webhooks Sign key
  • For need to go back to Settings Page here under Transaction Options you should see Webhooks click on it.
  • On webhooks page under Endpoints you need to create a new endpoints by clicking Create.
  • Once you click Create it will show you the available events you need subscribe to all events.
  • And in URL section you need to enter the url as and save the changes.
  • Once you have saved the changes you should see the Signing Key
Get a Signing Key